An operadic model for a mapping space and its associated spectral sequence

Let $ X$ and $ Y$ be simplicial sets and $ {\mathbb{K}}$ a field. In [1], Fresse has constructed an algebra model over an $ E_\infty{{\mathbb{K}}}$-operad $ {\mathcal E}$ for the mapping space $ {\mathcal F}(X, Y)$, whose source $ X$ is finite, provided the homotopy groups of the target $ Y$ are finite. In this paper, we show that if the underlying field $ {\mathbb{K}}$ is the closure $ \overline{\mathbb{F}}_p$ of the finite field $ {\mathbb{F}}_p$ and the given mapping space is connected, then the finiteness assumption of the homotopy group of $ Y$ can be dropped in constructing the $ {\mathcal E}$-algebra model. Moreover, we give a spectral sequence converging to the cohomology of $ {\mathcal F}(X, Y)$ with coefficients in $ {\overline{\mathbb{F}}}_p$, whose $ E_2$-term expressed via Lannes' division functor in the category of unstable $ {\overline{\mathbb{F}}}_p$-algebra over the Steenrod algebra.

[1] B. Fresse, Derived division functors and mapping spaces, preprint arXiv:math.At/0208091 (2002).