We give a sufficient condition for the evaluation fibration, whose
total space is
the free iterated loop space, not to be totally non cohomologous to
zero with respect to a given field. As an consequence, in the
rational case,
we generalize results of Vigue-Poirrier [3] and of Smith [2] on
the cohomological triviality of the free loop fibration.
We also deduce (in)equalities concerning the dimension of the mod
reduction of the image by the Whitehead products on the
homotopy group of an
-connected space from some homological
property of the space. The result recovers the inequality due to
Chen [1].
[1] K. T. Chen, On the Whitehead products, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 34(1972), 257-259
[2] L. Smith, On the characteristic zero cohomology of the free loop space, Amer. J. Math. 103(1981), 887-910
[3] M. Vigue-Poirrier, Dan le fibre de l'espace des lacets
libres, la fibre n'est pas, en general, totalement non
cohomologue a zero, Math. Z. 181(1982), 537-542