The cohomology of a pull-back on $ {\mathbb{K}}$-formal spaces

We prove a collapse theorem for the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence with coefficients in a field $ {\mathbb{K}}$ converging to the cohomology of the pull-back of a fibration $ q :E \to B$ by a continuous map $ f : X \to B$ when $ E$, $ X$ and $ B$ are $ {\mathbb{K}}$-formal. We also show that the cohomology algebra of the pull-back can be expressed via the torsion functor with the shc-minimal model for $ B$ in the sense of Ndombol and Thomas [N-T] and its free extensions for $ E$ and $ X$ without the assumption of $ {\mathbb{K}}$-formality. Moreover not only does the shc-minimal models for $ E$, $ B$ and $ X$ enable us to construct a model for the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence also they help in computing the spectral sequence.

[N-T] B. Ndombol and J. -C. Thomas, On the cohomology algebra of free loop spaces, to appear in Topology.