Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science
Shinshu University
Matsumoto, Nagano 390-8621, JAPAN
E-mail: kurimath@shinshu-u.ac.jp
- Research Subjects
- Algebraic models for topological spaces
(in particular, differential graded algebras in Topology, operads and
algebras over an operad)
- Topology of function spaces
- String topology
- Hochschild (co)homology and cyclic (co)homology
- Diffeology
- Association schemoids and quasi-schemoids
- Category theory and its aggressive applications
- Papers and Preprints (pdf files
for preprints are available)
Survey Notes (Japanese Version Only)
Shinshu Center for Mathematical Sciences
Shinshu Topology Seminar
Shinshu Topology Seminar (New)
Diffeology Seminar
The Graduate Journal of Mathematics (A journal for and by graduate students)
Last update: 21 February, 2025