
  1. K. Kuribayashi, On Félix and Tanré rational models for polyhedral products, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 267 (2024), 243-265. Online First version pdf.
  2. K. Kuribayashi, Local systems in diffeology, Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 19 (2024), 475-523. pdf.
  3. K. Kuribayashi, T. Naito, S. Wakatsuki and T. Yamaguchi, A reduction of the string bracket to the loop product, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 24 (2024), 2619-2654. pdf.
  4. K. Kuribayashi, T. Naito, S. Wakatsuki and T. Yamaguchi, Cartan calculi on the free loop spaces, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 228, Article ID 107708, 39 p. (2024). pdf.
  5. K. Kuribayashi, On multiplicative spectral sequences for nerves and the free loop spaces, Topology and its Applications 352, Article ID 108958, 26 p. (2024). pdf.
  6. K. Kuribayashi, A comparison between two de Rham complexes in diffeology, Proceedings of the AMS, 149 (2021), 4963-4972. pdf
  7. K. Kuribayashi, Simplicial cochain algebras for diffeological spaces, Indagationes Mathematicae, 31 (2020), 934-967. pdf
  8. K. Kuribayashi, On the whistle cobordism operation in string topology of classifying spaces, Documenta Mathematica, 25 (2020), 125-142. pdf
  9. K. Kuribayashi and L. Menichi, The Batalin--Vilkovisky algebra in the string topology of classifying spaces, Canadian Journal of Mathematics, 71 (2019), 843-889. pdf
  10. K. Kuribayashi, Derived string topology: from the view point of spectral sequences and algebraic models for spaces, (in Japanese), Sugaku, 71 (2019), 225-251. Sugaku J-STAGE
  11. K. Kuribayashi and Y. Numata, A topos associated with a colored category, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 156 (2018), 142-163. pdf
  12. T. Aoki and K. Kuribayashi, On the category of stratifolds, Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques, 58 (2017), 131-160. pdf
  13. K. Kuribayashi, The ghost length and duality between chain and cochain type levels, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 18 (2016), 107-132. pdf
  14. K. Kuribayashi and Y. Momose, On Mitchell's embedding theorem for a quasi-schemoid, Journal of Algebra, 458 (2016), 222-248. pdf
  15. K. Kuribayashi, L. Menichi and T. Naito, Derived string topology and the Eilenberg--Moore spectral sequence, Israel Journal of Mathematics, 209 (2015), 745-802. pdf
  16. K. Kuribayashi and K. Matsuo, Association schemoids and their categories, Applied Categorical Structures, 23 (2015), 107-136. pdf
  17. K. Kuribayashi, On strong homotopy for quasi-schemoids, Theory and Applications of Categories, 30 (2015), 1-14. pdf
  18. K. Kuribayashi, L. Menichi and T. Naito, Behavior of the Eilenberg--Moore spectral sequence in derived string topology, Topology and its Applications, 164 (2014), 24-44. pdf
  19. K. Kuribayashi, Upper and lower bounds of the (co)chain type level of a space, Algebras and Representation Theory, 16 (2013), 129-153. pdf
  20. K. Kuribayashi, On the levels of maps and topological realization of objects in a triangulated category, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra, 216 (2012), 752-765. pdf
  21. K. Kuribayashi, The Hochschild cohomology ring of the singular cochain algebra of a space, Annales de l'Institut Fourier (Grenoble), 61 no. 5 (2011), 1779-1805. pdf
  22. K. Kuribayashi, On extensions of a symplectic class, Differential Geometry and its Applications, 29 (2011), 801-815. pdf
  23. K. Kuribayashi, Rational visibility of a Lie group in the monoid of self-homotopy equivalences of a homogeneous space, Homology, Homotopy and Applications, 13 (2011), 349-379. abstract, pdf
  24. K. Kuribayashi, On the rational cohomology of the total space of the universal fibration with an elliptic fibre, Contemporary Math. vol. 519, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 2010, 165-179. pdf
  25. Yoshihiro Hirato, Katsuhiko Kuribayashi and Nobuyuki Oda, A function space model approach to the rational evaluation subgroups, Math. Z., 258(2008), 521-555. abstract
  26. D. Chataur and K. Kuribayashi, An operadic model for a mapping space and its associated spectral sequence, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra, 210 (2007), 321-342. abstract
  27. K. Kuribayashi and M. Yokotani, Iterated cyclic homology, Kodai Mathematical Journal, 30 (2007), 19-40. abstract
  28. K. Kuribayashi, M. Mimura and T. Nishimoto, Twisted tensor products related to the cohomology of the classifying spaces of loop groups, Memoirs of the AMS, 180 (2006), no. 849. abstract
  29. K. Kuribayashi, A rational model for the evaluation map, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 13 (2006), 127-141. abstract
  30. K. Kuribayashi and T. Yamaguchi, A rational splitting of a based mapping space, Algebraic & Geometric Topology, 6 (2006), 309-327. abstract
  31. K. Kuribayashi, Eilenberg--Moore spectral sequence calculation of function space cohomology, manuscripta mathematica, 114 (2004), 305-325. abstract
  32. A. Kono and K. Kuribayashi, Module derivations and cohomological splitting of adjoint bundles, Fundamenta Mathematicae, 180 (2003), 199-221. abstract
  33. K. Kuribayashi, Module derivations and non triviality of an evaluation fibration, Homology, Homotopy and Applications 4(1)(2002), 87-101. abstract
  34. K. Kuribayashi, The cohomology of a pull-back on K-formal spaces, Topology Appl., 125 (2002), 125-159. abstract
  35. K. Kuribayashi, On the Betti number of the space of invariant paths on the space whose cohomology is the exterior algebra with two generators, Topology Appl., 125 (2002), 161-170. abstract
  36. K. Kuribayashi, The S^1-equivariant cohomology of homogeneous spaces as deformations of algebras, Bull. London Math. Soc. 33 (2001), 89-99.
  37. K .Kuribayashi and T. Yamaguchi, On additive K-theory with the Loday--Quillen *-product, Math. Scand. 87 (2000), 5-21.
  38. K. Kuribayashi, Mod p equivariant cohomology of homogeneous spaces, J. Pure and Appl. Algebra 147 (2000), 95-105.
  39. K. Kuribayashi, Module derivations and the adjoint action of a finite loop space, J. Math. Kyoto Univ. 39 (1999), 67-85.
  40. K. Kuribayashi and T. Yamaguchi, The vanishing problem of the string class with degree 3, J. Austral. Math. Soc. (series A) 65 (1998), 129-142.
  41. K. Kuribayashi and T. Yamaguchi, The cohomology algebra of certain free loop spaces, Fund. Math. 154 (1997), 57-73.
  42. K. Kuribayashi, On the vanishing problem of string classes, J. Austral. Math. Soc. (series A) 61 (1996), 258-266.
  43. K. Kuribayashi, On the real cohomology of spaces of free loops on manifolds, Fund. Math. 150 (1996), 173-188.
  44. K. Kuribayashi, The cohomology ring of the space of loops on Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, Pacific J. Math. 163 (1994), 361-391.
  45. K. Kuribayashi, The extension problem and the mod 2 cohomology of the space of loops on Spin(N), Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 121A (1992), 91-99.
  46. K. Kuribayashi, On the mod p cohomology of the spaces of free loops on the Grassmann and Stiefel manifolds, J. Math. Soc. Japan 43 (1991), 331-346.

    Papers accepted for publication


  47. K. Kuribayashi, L. Menichi and T. Naito, Remarks on derived string topology, (2017). The title has been changed. The previous one is "Loop products on Noetherian H-spaces".
  48. K. Kuribayashi, T. Naito, S. Wakatsuki and T. Yamaguchi, Algebraic interleavings of spaces over the classifying space of the circle, (2025). pdf

    Proceedings, Survey Notes and Slides

  1. K. Kuribayashi, M. Mimura and M. Tezuka, A multiplication on the twisted tensor product, Cohomology of Finite Groups and Related Topics (Japanese), RIMS Kokyuroku, 1140 (2000), 52-60.
  2. K. Kuribayashi, An operadic model for a mapping space and its associated spectral sequence, July, 2005. pdf
  3. K. Kuribayashi, A function space model approach to the rational evaluation subgroups, May, 2007. pdf
  4. K. Kuribayashi, On the levels of spaces, Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics 2009, RIMS Kokyuroku, September, 2009. pdf
  5. K. Kuribayashi, A Batalin--Vilkovisky algebra structure on the Moore spectral sequence for a Poincaré duality space, Cohomology Theory of Finite Groups and Related Topics 2011. pdf
  6. K. Kuribayashi, On the category of stratifolds -- The Serre--Swan Theorem --, Symposium on Homotopy Theory 2017 (Takamatsu, Japan). Slides pdf
  7. K. Kuribayashi, The non-triviality of the whistle cobordism operation associated with string topology for classifying spaces, Third Pan-Pacific International Conference on Topology and Applications, Chengdu, China, November, 2019 Slides pdf
  8. K. Kuribayashi, A singular de Rham algebra and spectral sequences in diffeology, Global Diffeology Seminar, Online on Zoom, 6 June 2021 Slides pdf
  9. K. Kuribayashi, Cartan calculi on the free loop spaces, Tuesday Seminar on Topology (Graduate School of Math. The University of Tokyo), Online on Zoom, 14 June 2022 Slides pdf
  10. K. Kuribayashi, The de Rham theorem in diffeology, Note for an intensive course, 13--17 June 2022, 34 pages. pdf
  11. K. Kuribayashi, Local systems in diffeology, International Meeting 2022 AMS-EMS-SMF, 18--22 July, 2022, Université Grenoble Alpes, 18 July, 2022 Slides pdf
  12. K. Kuribayashi, On the cohomology algebras of the free loop space of the real projective space and its diffeological version, Monthly global diffeology seminar, 17 May 2023, Online. Slides pdf
  13. K. Kuribayashi, The string bracket, BV -exactness and the Eilenberg--Moore spectral sequence, Iberoamerican and Pan Pacific International Conference on Topology and its Applications, Puebla, Mexico, 12 September, 2023. Slides pdf
  14. K. Kuribayashi, Interleavings of spaces over the classifying space of the circle, Kansai Algebraic Topology Seminar, Special Workshop on the occasion of Atsushi Yamaguchi's 65th birthday, Institute of Science Tokyo, 9 November, 2024. Slides pdf
  15. K. Kuribayashi, On the Félix and Tanré rational models for polyhedral products and its application to partial quotients, Online talk in the International Polyhedral Products Seminar, 20 February, 2025. Slides pdf